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How To Succeed As An Executive

1. TALK LOUD - This proves that you are a person of force and character and you must be right.

2. TALK FAST - If you talk fast enough, the other person will be unable to detect flaws in your argument, at least until after you have gone.

3. INTERRUPTIONS - It is good practice to interrupt the other person at least once every other sentence. This breaks up his train of thought and puts him at a disadvantage.

4. PATTER - Nothing lends so much authority to a discourse as a liberal sprinkling of technical terms. Phrases such as "load factor", resistance variations", "direct correlation", and "psychological impact" should be memorized and used wherever and whenever possible.

5. AGGRESSIVENESS - This means putting the other fellow on the defensive. The easiest way of doing this is to ask him a meaningless question or drop a hint that he is not as much on his toes as he might be. This is important, because otherwise he may notice and call attention to your own shortcomings.

6. ALWAYS ATTACK - If a good idea is brought forward which you did not happen to think of, it should be attacked at once. Considerable ingenuity may be required in killing it, but this serves to sharpen your wits.

7. TELEPHONING - When calling someone, have your secretary put in the call, then keep the other person waiting several minutes after he is on the line. This impresses him with your general inaccessibility and importance.

8. ENGAGEMENTS - Never accept the first hour or day suggested for an appointment. Be sure to page through your engagement pad until you find an open spot. This indicates that you are working hard and are loaded down with responsibility.

9. CONFERENCES - Never sit in a conference without saying something. If no idea occurs to you that makes any particular sense, you should seize the first opportunity to change the subject or arrange with somebody to pull you out of the meeting with a long distance call.

10. PAPERS - When a paper comes to your desk which you don't know what to do with, the best practice is to scribble on it: "Would like your reaction" and send it to someone else. There is a good chance that you will never see it again.

11. AFTER ALL IS SAID AND DONE - If everything else fails and you can't convince them..,..CONFUSE THEM......

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