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Chinese/American Dogfight

In an heroic dogfight fought over International waters off the mainland-China coast, a 60's-era American-built Lockheed Electra propeller-airliner, with 24 US Navy passenger/observers aboard, chewed up one of China's finest state-of-the-art supersonic fighter aircraft.

The Americans, utilizing the infrequently recorded combat tactic of straight and level flight, often accomplished by relying solely on autopilot, engaged the outmanned single-seat combat jet and knocked it out of the air using only one of its four formidable
rotating air-mass propellers.

After the action, the crew and passenger/observers diverted to nearby China's Hainan Island Resort for some much-deserved R&R as guests of the Chinese government.

Reprinted from the Taiwan Daily Gazette, by staff-writer Won Weng Lo.

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